FeiMay 12, 20201 min readPatterns of hidden code in Nature coincidence & evidences of art and science in the pattern of nature This is the formed patterns during the experiment in fluid mechanics, credited by Qing Zhang.
coincidence & evidences of art and science in the pattern of nature This is the formed patterns during the experiment in fluid mechanics, credited by Qing Zhang.
当代艺术实践与模式-读书笔记(转)原文来自:https://book.douban.com/annotation/69721186/ >>>>>第一部分 引言 如果说六七十年代可以说主要是极简主义和观念艺术,而70年代和80年代初期则回归到了以画廊为基础的艺术活动的话,那么,80年代中期以来的艺术的特征则是...
读书笔记 | 黑格尔 - Subjects/ Objects从 objectivity>subjectivity>spirituality的角度解读黑格尔美学/精神现象学 黑格尔《美学》研究—艺术美的概念—艺术作品作为人的活动的产品, Chunsi 黑格尔:浪漫型艺术的终结, 选自《美学》Hui Xiaotian...